If you are considering installing a new driveway, consult with a professional. Building projects of this nature require permits and are best left in the hands of qualified pavers.
Selecting an HMA mix carefully can significantly impact its durability and appearance. A coarse mixture may not be suitable for base courses, while finer blends would likely work better as surface asphalts. Contact Driveway Paving Charleston SC now!

A sub-base is the layer that supports and keeps paving slabs from sinking into the soil. It is typically made of affordable gravel. A domestic patio should have 100mm laid as its thickness, while driveways require 150mm (compacted). The sub-base also helps improve drainage around paved areas by being laid at least 50mm below their finished surface heights.
Some paving materials are more durable than others, which will determine the lifespan of your driveway and how often traffic passes over it. Durability is important as it determines how long you can use your driveway before it requires replacement or extensive repairs.
There are various types of paving material available, and homeowners can select one that best meets both their budget and aesthetic preferences. While concrete may be your go-to material, natural stone paver driveways could also make a statement in your driveway. Whatever material you select will have an effectful influence on the total cost of a paving project.
As it’s also worth noting, there are various methods available to homeowners for lowering the costs associated with paving installation. Homeowners should conduct thorough research in order to find the most competitive deals and prices before calculating an overall price estimate for their site. Furthermore, homeowners should attempt to coordinate their efforts with those of other neighbors or communities in their neighborhood or community in order to take advantage of a bulk discount offer.
Some paving companies also provide discounts or rebates to encourage customers to buy large quantities. This could benefit homeowners as it will lower the cost per square foot. Homeowners should also be mindful of additional charges like site preparation and drainage system costs, which should also be factored into any estimate for their project. For free estimates on driveway costs in your area contact a top-rated professional today!
Binder Layer
Once the sub-base has been laid and any soft spots repaired or compacted, it’s time to install asphalt’s binder layer – composed of large aggregate mixed with oil – as a sturdy support structure for your driveway. For best results, select a contractor who uses high-grade materials; low quality ones may save money short-term but cost more in repairs and maintenance down the line.
After installing the base layer of asphalt, your paving contractor will install another course – known as an intermediate course – of asphalt over it. Each lift of this second asphalt course, commonly referred to as “lifts,” may take up to 10 inches for completion; each lift’s thickness can be engineered based on your specific job requirements.
Binder Course Construction Similar to its base layer counterpart, binder course asphalt pavement construction utilizes hot mix asphalt but the ingredients and aggregates used are slightly smaller in terms of ingredients and aggregate size than in its predecessor layer – providing an aesthetic finish while still offering strength against traffic loads.
Once your paving contractor has installed the binder course, they will use their proof rolling machine one final time to ensure that all sub-base material is solid and prepared for the next layer.
If you are considering choosing between concrete and asphalt as the material for your driveway, keep in mind that concrete will cost more. On the upside, concrete has proven more durable, withstanding heavy traffic for up to 40 years while adding curb appeal through staining, stamping or coloring techniques.
After proof rolling passes, the paving crew will start installing your driveway’s finish course or top coat of asphalt. This final step in the paving process consists of layering sand or smaller aggregate pieces mixed with filler and asphalt binder to form an even surface that produces an aesthetically pleasing yet long-term durable driveway surface.
Surface Asphalt
Once the runner-crush stone base is in place and any soft areas identified and repaired, it’s time to add the binder layer – large aggregate mixed with oil that gives asphalt its strength – directly over the sub-base. Your paving contractor should place a proof roll over this layer to test its strength to ensure all materials underlying can hold an asphalt surface securely.
There are various kinds of asphalt mixes, and each has its own use. One popular mix is hot mix asphalt (HMA). This mixture combines aggregates (crushed stone, gravel and/or sand) with asphalt cement (a petroleum-based product) before being transported and laid while still warm on job sites for compacting while still warm – providing excellent flexural strength and durability while withstanding vehicle wheels’ constant pressure.
Cold Mix Asphalt (CMA) and Recycled Asphalt Shingles (RAS). Both have become environmentally-friendly alternatives to traditional pavement, replacing traditional pavements on roads, driveways and parking lots alike. RAS in particular is highly durable material which is both cost-effective and can even repair existing paved surfaces.
Asphalt pavements usually last decades if properly maintained; however, certain substances can compromise its ingredients and compromise its structure. Oil, grease, gas and transmission fluid can alter asphalt quality leading to cracking and crumbling; as soon as these substances have come in contact with it they must be cleaned up immediately to preserve its lifespan.
When choosing an asphalt paving company for your home, be sure to ask about their experience and services offered. When searching for one that will meet the needs of both residents and businesses in your area, ask friends and family for recommendations; once you find one reputable enough, request a free estimate from them.
Butt Joints
Once supportive structures have been in place, a layer of surface asphalt will be applied for an appealing finish and smooth ride. This layer consists of small aggregate, sand and oil combined together for the jet-black look – something asphalt paving contractors do to ensure its integrity and prolong its longevity.
Butt joints are an integral component of the laying process as they link new surfaces like parking lots to existing roads and parking lots. Transitional areas must be graded and drained appropriately so pedestrians and drivers don’t notice any difference between the two surfaces; contractors install butt joints in such transitional zones while making sure grading is even so that water can drain seamlessly between surfaces.
Butt joints are a type of construction joint that connects two members at an acute angle, providing support and reinforcement with additional fasteners or adhesives as needed, yet its strength depends on proper alignment and preparation of its joints.
As part of butt joints construction, matching mortises must be utilized on both pieces of wood for proper alignment and strength. Tenons may also be utilized, however their use requires the use of a special jig in order to align it before welding as well as limit its length for reduced stress at its end.
Butt joints are frequently utilized as test specimens for thin bond layers under tension and torsion, providing an opportunity to assess Poisson’s ratio and shear stresses along a short segment of an adhesive interface.
An adhesively bonded butt joint’s apparent tensile strength is defined as its load at failure divided by its bond area, however the true stress state can be more complex as high stresses concentrate nearer its edges; hence it should not be used as an application in structurally demanding applications.
Tags: asphalt paving, driveway paving, driveway repair, paving, services